Saskatchewan Native Communications Wehtamatowin Corp. Organization profile published 1986
Year Published: 1986 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX3063
Abstract: "Wehtamatowin" is a Cree word meaning "communicating with each other." The corporation, established in 1981, was formed to promote unbiased and professional reporting on Native issues, utilizing media outlets including television and radio. Its mandate includes cross-culture television education by providing information about the Native way of life. It is committed to preserving Native lanugages in programming and written material. It also emphasizes the training and upgrading of Native journalists in radio, television and print.
One of the organization's main projects is the publication of New Breed started as a newsletter in 1969, it is now a magazine with more than 5,000 subscribers. It reports on Native issues, aboriginal rights, education, economic development and Native culture and histroy, and incorporates Native art, graphics and photography.
Wehtamatowin Radio began in 1982 and broadcasts a half-hour program from La Ronge to 18 other communities in Northern Saskatchewan, as well as on University of Sackatchewan's FM station. A television department started in 1982, with staff and trainees working in all phases of video, research, scripting, production, fund-raising and marketing. They produce educational co-productions with the CBC and teh Saskatchewan Department of Education.
The Corporation's long-term goals include self-sufficiency through advertising and marketing of quality. Native programming; the employment of Native people in non-Native publishing and electronic media; and development of a professional Native communication network which will become part of the aboriginal peoples' self-government concept being sought in constitutional negotiations.
This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1986.
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