Association of National Non-Profit Artists Centres (ANNPAC) /Regroupement D'Artistes Des Centres Alternatifs (RACA)
Organization profile published 1986
Year Published: 1986
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX3034
ANNPAC/RACA was founded in 1976, by administrators from 17 artist-run centres then known as parallel galleries. Their hallmark is mixed-disciplined programming including visual art (painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, holography, and installation), video, audio, film, music, dance, writing, performance art and theatre. Co-operation and collaboration are stressed.
The group is essentially a service organization representing its members to government, publishing Parallelogramme (listed separately) bi-monthly and being a clearing house. It is bilingual, and contains six regional sections.
Members must be non-profit artist-initiated and controlled, support sexual equality and pay fees to artists.