Artists Union -- Toronto Local
Organization profile published 1986
Year Published: 1986
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX3023
THE ARTISTS UNION was formed in Toronto in Spring, 1984, "to provide a collective bargaining voice for the social and economic concerns" of independent artists. Artists have no guarantee of receiving income for their work, and are ineligible for unemployment insurance, pension, workers compensation and health benefits enjoyed by other workers.
Recvognizing the goverment as the "primary employer of artists," the union works for the establishment and enforcement of "standardized contracts for grants, artists' fees, rentals, sales," "representation to industry and government of memebers' needs and priorities, health and dental insurance, discounts on supplies, equipment, and travel," as well as providing a "social and political forum for artists and the larger cultural community."
Monthly events at different gallaires are followed by membership meetings.