Downtown Eastside Residents' Association
Organization profile published 1984
Year Published:  1984
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX3013

In January, 1984, DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION (DERA) recieved approval from Vancouver City Council for a $2.3 m 56-unit housing co-operative for older men and women on low incomes. Land will be leased from the city for a period of 40 and 60 years which has yet to be decided. Some politicians had worried that DERA would not serve the low-income people who most need housing. The co-op met this concern by committing itself to setting no criteria for membership and to consulting with Downtown Eastside Tenants' Selection Committee, a groups of churches and associaitons who have prepared a list of people needing low-income housing in downtown Vancouver. Said Alderman Libby Davis (quoted in the Vancouver East Ender) "For once...the right people are getting the breaks."

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1984.
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