Canadian Abortion Rights Action League
Organization profile published 1984
Year Published: 1984
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2985
Inactive/Defunct Organization
Abstract: The CANADIAN ABORTION RIGHTS ACTION LEAGUE (CARAL) is sponsoring the Pro-Choice Defense Fund. The Fund was set up to draw support from across the country for the defense of both the Toronto and Winnipeg free-standing abortion clinics which were raided in the summer of 1983. The aim of the Fund is to ensure that enough money is available to defend all the people charged in the clininc raids.
CARAL works to help build support for the Pro-Choice position by asking people on the mailing list to monitor local papers for news about the clininc trial and other abortion related news; and to contact the local newspaper to ask what position the paper has on abortion.
A newsletter is published as information is collected form across the country.
This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1984.
See also CX2705.
Subject Headings