A New Approach to Popular Education
Publisher: GATT-Fly, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1983
Pages: 112pp Price: $5.95 Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX2880
AH-HAH seminars are designed to organize groups of comman interests, especially workers, to come to a common understanding.
The AH-HAH seminar is designed to organize groups of common interests, especially workers, to come to a common understanding. The title is derived from the common phrase exclaimed when a point is finally understood -- "AH-Hah!" The book examines how people learn and questions the way they are taught.
In an AH-HAH seminar, a group is seated in a classroom setting and a person, called the animator, stands at the front. The animator records and draws on a mural-sized piece of paper images that make up the thoughts and opinions of the participants. Those participants are led through the pictures in front of them to make their own connections, assessments and conclusions.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Our Approach to Popular Education
Starting With the Participants
Education for Action
Who is the Ah-Hah Seminar For?
Educational Process That Empowers
The Role of the Animator/Recorder
The Questions We Ask
Constructing the Picture
Analysis of the Picture
Developing Action Strategies
The Drawing Technique
Chapter Two: Three Examples
Latin American Immigrant Workers' Seminar
Toronto-area Steelworkers' Seminar
Kayahna Council Seminar
Suggestions for Further Reading
Spanish Abstract
French Abstract
Information on GATT_Fly
Subject Headings