St John's Native Friendship Centre
Organization profile published 1983
Year Published: 1983
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2864
In July 1982, the National Association of Friendship Centres provided a $10,000 grant to the Indian & Inuit Support Group of Newfoundland and Labrador to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of a friendship centre in St. Johns's. The study clearly demonstrated the need for such a centre,and an independent Friendship Centre Association was formed to start one. Temporary quarters have been provided to Memorial University of Newfoundland, and with the help of an active group of volunteers, a number of services are now available to the Native peopoles in the provincial capital, including accommodations, referral, transportation, interpretation, visits to hospital patients and rsidents of correctional centres, and the organizaiton of social events. The Associaiton has received a Secretary of Statge grant to publish information of Native people in English, Inuktitu, and Montagnais-Naskapi. Future plans include acquiring a building and hiring permanent staff.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983.
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