Manitoba Indian Cultural Education Centre
Organization profile published 1983
Year Published:  1983
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2856

The MANITOBA INDIAN CULTRUAL EDUCATION CENTRE (MICEC), founded in 1975, "works to promote an awareness and understanding of the Indian Culture to both Indian and non-Indian peoples." The CENTRE attempts to provide services to the approximately 48,000 status Indians in Manitoba, which comprise the Cree, Chipewyan, Sioux, and Ojibway nations. These are the nations which comprise the First Nation Confederacy, the Keewatinwi Organization, and the Brotherhood of Indian Nations. MICEC works in cooperation with seven other cultural centres in Manitoba.

MICEC's aims re:
- To simulate, re-identify, maintain, expand and promote the cultural interests, lives, and identify of Manitoba Inidans;
- To advance the interests of Indian peoples who are registered members of the reserves within
Manitoba, and to co-operate and assist other organizations concerned with the interests of Indian
people, their language, culture, history and heritage; and
- To establish and promote research services, to develop cirriculum material for use in Manitoba schools
and to produce audio and visual materials relevant to cultural education development.

Materials from the special reference library on the North American Indian are loaned on group request.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983.

Subject Headings

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