The social impacts of computerisation

Year Published:  1983
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX2819

In January, 1982, the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group sponsored one of the first confernces in Canada to focus exclusively on the social impacts of computerisation. This illustrated paperback contains the texts of the 14 addresses given at the Forum. They cover such topics as:

- computers and employment;
- computerisation and women in the workplace;
- the impact of computers on the Third World;
- computers and personal privacy;
- computer-assisted learning;
- the social impact os Teidon (two-way TV).

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983.

In addiiton to the texts of speeches, the book contains an extensive bibliography related to the topics covered and annotated bibliographies of current films, periodicals, and videotapes dealing with the complex social issues attending our leap into the computer age.

Subject Headings

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