National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO)
Organization profile published 1983
Year Published:  1983
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2793

An overview of the National Anti-Poverty Organization published in 1983.

The NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY ORGANIZATION is a grass-roots organization,founded in 1971 to be "the united voice of groups and individuals across the country who live in, or on the verge of poverty." It is an independent organization, with no political affiliation. NAPO's objectives include: an adequate guaranteed annual income; community controlled economic development; political involvement and participation by the poor; and, adequate housing for all.
NAPO monitors new government legislation and policies, joins and forms lobby groups, and acts as a clearing house for information concerning poor people. Members are available as a resource to local and provincial anti-poverty groups,"providing information and support about how to get started, and how to find support". A major part of NAPO's work at this time deals with communication. Extensive visiting of groups across the country is complemented by publications addressing poor people's concerns.
NAPO NEWS is a bilingual quarterly publication that highlights NAPO activities and news from across the country. "All of Us Together" is a 16-page booklet that explores the myths and realities of Canadian poverty. "Medicare Alert!!" is an information kit that describes how Medicare has benefitted the poor and how groups of low income people can become more involved in the fight to save Medicare. It includes a list of provincial health coalitions. All of these, and information about regional NAPO representatives are available from the national office.
NAPO is working to breathe new life into selfhelp projects. Local, regional and provincial groups will become the building blocks for a strong national anti-poverty organization which can speak and be heard on issues of concern to all people.

This organization has changed its name to Canada Without Poverty.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983.

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