Northwestern Ontario Women's Decade Council Organization profile published 1983
Year Published: 1983 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2698
Abstract: The NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO WOMEN'S DECADE COUNCIL acts as a networking and lobby group for women in that region. It also provides technical assistance and resources to emerging women's groups and to individual women working on women's issues. For example, members with lobbying expertise are encouraged to share these skills with others. Based in Thunder Bay, the COUNCIL drwas its membershio (individuals and groups) from surrounding small communities. It has sponsored conferences and published materials, such as the report entitled Women's Work: the Northwestern Ontario Case by Barbara Mattew, which documents the nature of women's work in the home and paid labour force in the region, their skills, education. training interests, the lack of opportunities made available to them, and proposals for action.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983.
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