Downtown Crisis Housing Foundation
Organization profile published 1982

Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2641

Connexions has published multiple abstracts on the Downtown Crisis Housing Foundation.

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This abstract was published in Connexions Digest in 1982:

To study the problem of suitable housing for socially and economically handicapped men in Regina and suggest action, a group of concerned citizends began meeting in 1979. In 1980, the DOWNTOWN CRISIS HOUSING FOUNDATION (DCHF) was organized as a formal step toward a solution. The group obtained assistance from Canada Mortgage and Housing (CMHC) and did a comprehensive study of the situtation facing older men who live on low incomes or welfare in downtown Regina.

These men have lived simply and independently for many years in older hotels. They now face an extreme problem because most of the older hotels have been destroyed as the city core of Regina is being "revitalied." The men have no place to go. Other agencies like public housing or the Salvation Army are not the answer.

The CMHC-sponsored study recommended construction of a 30 - 50 unit hostel. Negotiaitons are now underway between CMHC (federal) Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (provincial) and the City of Regina. DCHF hopes a facility will be built soon with the participation of all three levels of government.

More information about the strategies used yb DCHF is available from its office.

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This abstract was published in Connexions Digest in 1984:

The goal of the DOWNTOWN CRISIS HOUSING FOUNDATION of Regina is to locate suitable housing in downtown Regina for socially and economically handicapped men. A group of older men who live on low income or welfare have inhabited downtown Regina for many years. They have lived simply, usually in older hotels, practicing an independent lifestyle which most people don't know about or understnad. With the advent of the city core "revitaliaztion," however, most of those old hotels have been destroyed to make way for new buildings.

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This organization no longer exists.

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