Right to Fight
Year Published: 1982Resource Type: Film/Video Cx Number: CX2627 Abstract: RIGHT TO FIGHT is a video documentary that combines theatrical skits, interviews, and footage of demolitions and organizing efforts to highlight the critical housing situation that faced Vancouver residents in 1981. In Part I, "The System", a tenant and landlord are pitted together in a game-show style contest; the landlord eventually wins, entitling him to evict the tenant and develop the property "with absolutely no moral scruples," The theme of housing as a profit-making commodity is made clear in this segment. Part II "The Victims," includes interviews with a senior being displaced by a demolition, a renter moving for the third time because of renovations, and a couple who have given up and are leaving the province. At a non-profit rental agency, we meet two of the 800 people who apply each month for assistance in finding house; over half of these applicants have nowhere to go when they come to the office. Interviews with both provincial and federal housing ministers (who each insist that the other has responsibility fora housing) complete this segment. Part III "Organizing," provides examples of people collectively fighting the disappearance of affordable hosuing. The efforts of tenants' groups, seniors' groups and coalition are shown. The internationall nature of the housing problem is made clear by footage of squatters in Amsterdam. The Headlines Theatre Group "brings front page issued alive" by performing plays like Buy Buy Vancouver (upon which RIGHT TO FIGHT is based) in churches, community centres, union halls, and schools on a "pay what you can" basis. Following the community tour, an educational event with information booths and speakers is held. Headlines is currently developing a production on militarism and disarmament. |