Medical Aid To El Salvador Campaign

Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2617

A MEDICAL AID TO EL SALVADOR CAMPAIGN has been mounted by OXFAM-Calgary in response to an urgent appeal for help from the Democratic Revolutionary Front in that country. Food, medical supplies, and emergency shelters are needed for the tens of thousands of injured and for the estimated 100,000 refugees who have been displaced during the current conflict in that country.

Donations may be forwarded either directly to the FDR or via OXFAM, to be used for medical aid. It is also suggested that Canadians encourage their federal politicians to firmly oppose any futher U.S. support for the military regime in El Salvador, and ask their government to recognize the FDR as the legitimate representative of the Salvadorean people; or that they inform others in their local community about the situation in El Salvador, and possibly mount fund-raising projects.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1982.

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