Alberta Status of Women Action Committee
Organization profile published 1982
Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2595

The ALBERTA STATUS OF WOMEN ACTION COMMITTEE (ASWAC) began on an informal basis in October, 1975, when interested women from Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Calgary, and Lethbridge met for the first time. During the spring of 1976, ASWAC sponsored a series of regional workshops involving over 300 women. Out of these came an extensive brief entitled: "Joint Initiatives: A Goal for Women and Government of Alberta" which was presented to the provincial government in October 1976. Later that month at the first annual conference, the government rejected the group's proposals for change.

At their 1981 conference held last fall, the apparent futility of lobbying efforts was noted and the question of whether ASWAC should take on more of an education/outreach role in the future was raised.

The theme of the conference was "Women Organize Alberta." Women are among the first to feel the impact of the economic realities of inflation, job security, and rising cost of living. Rather than bring in "experts", the Conference invited all participants to explore their own expertise. Several Alberta women's groups were invited to act as formal resource people, stimulating disucssion of their collective experience through description of their own organizing process. This was a substantial break from the traditional ASWAC conference, but the organizers felt that it was of considerable value to both ASWAC as an organization and to all the women who attended.

ASWAC publishes a newsletter on a regular basis. It contains articles about the issues which affect women in Alberta and right across Canada. It also has local advertising and information from the many local ASWAC groups.

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