Intercultural Development Education Association Centre Organization profile published 1982
Year Published: 1982 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2541
Abstract: The Intercultural Development Education Association Centre (IDEA) is a non-profit education and resource centre. Activities are aimed at creating an awareness of the relationship between issues in Canada and those in underdeveloped countries. Efforts are made to make member organizations better known to the public, and to facilitate co-operation and exchange of information between a variety of cultural and educational groups.
IDEA has a number of periodicals in its library that are relevant to Latin America, including "Central America Update", "NACLA Report on the Americas", "LAWG Letter", "ICCHRLA Newsletter", "News from Guatemala", and "Granma" (Cuba), as well as several books on the subject. In addition, IDEA has for rent two slide-tape presentations: "Adelante Nicaragua" and "Dependency by Design", both of which pertain to Latin America.
IDEA's monthly newsletter contains articles on Latin America, and publicizes the activities and events of local solidarity groups. Membership in IDEA includes the monthly newsletter, use of resources at a reduced rate, use of the library, and reduced course registration fees. IDEA membership rates are $20 for organizations, and $10 for individuals.
This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1982.
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