Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist

Berkman, Alexander
Date Written:  1912-01-01
Publisher:  Schocken Books
Year First Published:  {58699 Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist PRISON MEMOIRS OF AN ANARCHIST Berkman, Alexander Schocken Books Alexander Berkman offers an account of his 14 years in prison after his attempted assassination of industrialist Henry Clay Frick. 1912-01-01 1912 1970 512pp B Book CX25085 1 false true false CX25085.htm [0xc000fd8f60] Cx}
Year Published:  1970
Pages:  512pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX25085

Alexander Berkman offers an account of his 14 years in prison after his attempted assassination of industrialist Henry Clay Frick.

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