'Apartheid' Designation Ignored as Israel Kills Children in Gaza Again
Greene, Bryce
http://fair.org/home/apartheid-designation-ignored-as-israel-kills-children-in-gaza-again/Date Written: 2023-05-23 Publisher: Fair Year Published: 2023 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX24944 Greene looked at coverage of Israel's bombings of the Gaza Strip from the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN, and didn't find a single reference to Israel as an apartheid state, despite this being the consensus in the human rights community. Greene criticizes the lack of coverage and distortion of events perpetuated by the media. Abstract: - Excerpt: Israel's recent bombing of the Gaza Strip from May 9-13 killed 33 Palestinians, including seven children. FAIR looked at coverage of these attacks from the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN, and didn't find a single reference to Israel as an apartheid state, despite this being the consensus in the human rights community. Since apartheid is the overriding condition that leads to Israel's violent outbursts, and since the US has vigorously supported Israel for the last 60 years, US media should be putting it front and center in their coverage. Omitting it allows Israel to continue to portray any violence from Palestinians as a result of senseless hostility, rather than emerging from the conditions imposed by Israel. For audiences, that distortion serves to justify Israel's attacks on civilians and continued collective punishment of all Palestinians. |