19 February 'Rage Against the War Machine' Protest in D.C.: Why socialists should attend

Date Written:  2023-02-12
Publisher:  Bolshevik Tendency
Year Published:  2023
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24858

The Bolshevik Tendency plans to attend the February 19 (2023) protest against the war. We do not agree with political views of the organizers, but we plan to attend in order to talk to participants who agree (as we do) with many of its slogans.



The Bolshevik Tendency does not endorse the 19 February protest because the program it is organized around include various utopian/pacifist illusions about the possibility of reforming U.S. imperialism. But we plan to attend in order to talk to participants who agree (as we do) with many of its slogans, including "Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine," "Disband NATO," "Abolish the CIA," "Close all US military bases abroad," "repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus" and "Free Julian Assange." None of the demands raised by the organizers can possibly be construed as racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise reactionary, although such views of course can be found among many supporters of the Libertarian Party. The Libertarians are a right-wing bourgeois formation — but unlike fascists, who must be physically suppressed, Marxists regard them as ideological opponents with whom we are prepared to debate.

Russia has a right to resist imperialist encroachment!
Down with U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine!
Free Julian Assange!
Hands Off China!

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