Inter-Church Committee On Human Rights In Latin America (ICCHRLA)
Organization profile published 1982
Year Published: 1982
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2481
A national ecumenical coalition with official representatives from the Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, United Churches and the Society of Friends, as well as from several religious orders.
The Inter-Church Committee on Human Rigths in Latin America (ICCHRLA) is a national ecumenical coalition with official representatives from the Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, United Churches and the Society of Friends, as well as from several religious orders.
ICCHRLA's mandate is to work with Canadian churches to educate Canadian Christians, the public and the government regarding the violations of human rights in Latin America, and to exchange information and create links of support and solidarity between Canadian churches and sister organizations in Latin America.
ICCHRLA's work involves sharing of information and resources among ecumenical and communication organizations across the country. ICCHRLA facilitates contact and action between Latin America and Canadian Christians regarding human right and justice concerns. To date, countries of concentration have been Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru and Uruguay. ICCHRLA also works extensively to monitor Canadian foreign policy and to propose specific policies which protect and express concern for human rights within the Canadian government's overall foreign policy.
In order to inform and facilitate action on behalf of thousands of Latin Americans living under repressive conditions, the ICCHRLA publishes a newsletter providing background information to deepen understanding of events in Latin America (Individual $10, Institutions $20). ICCHRLA also publishes news releases and "Information/ Action Updates" on Latin America. These services are provided to respond to the growing need for current information and specific action suggestions.
The full text of the annual "ICCHRLA Submission to the Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights" is available as a spring newsletter. The 1982 submission includes detailed country studies on Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti and Uruguay.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1982.
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