Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project

Maher, Stephanie
Date Written:  2020-12-26
Publisher:  Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres
Year Published:  2020
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24794

Maher reflects on Leo Panitch's contributions to democratic socialism.



The death of Leo Panitch has made the world a darker place. His writings have carried us through some of the most difficult periods in the history of the socialist left, as wave after wave of the neoliberal onslught broke workers' organizations, serving up one defeat after the next. Leo's work sustaind so many of us during these years, pushing us on and pointing the way thrugh the storm.

This was not because he sowed illusions about just how bad things have been. Rather it was because, even as other erstwhile New Leftists lamented the "God That Failed," he devoted himself to demonstrating the necessity of a democratic socialist society that would neither fall prey to the shortcomings of social democracy nor those of Soviet-style Communism.

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