Thank You, Ed Herman
Johnstone, Diana
http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/11/15/thank-you-ed-herman/Date Written: 2017-11-15 Publisher: Counterpunch Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Website Cx Number: CX24727 Obituary of Edward S. Herman, condsiderd "the godfather of antiwar media critique." Abstract: - Excerpt: Ed Herman could be considered the godfather of antiwar media critique, both because of his own contributions and because of the many writers he encouraged to pursue that work. Thanks to his logical mind and sense of justice, he sharply grasped the crucial role and diverse techniques of media propaganda in promoting war. He immediately saw through lies, including those so insidious that few dare challenge them, such as the arrogant presumption by the U.S. War Party of the “right to protect” and the “need to prevent genocide”, to justify the oxymoronic “humanitarian war”. He saw that these pro-war lies flourish on the basis of what he called the distinction between “worthy and unworthy victims” persistently drawn by apologists for United States militarism. The million of victims of United States bombings, sanctions, regime changes and undercover assassinations are not considered calls to arms. Washington think tanks do not draw moral conclusions concerning the victims of Dresden, Hiroshima and Vietnam. But the public is endlessly exhorted to indignation concerning victims whose misfortune can serve as casus belli for the latest U.S. aggression. Subject Headings |