Russia-Ukraine: Western media are acting as cheerleaders for war

Cook, Jonathan
Date Written:  2022-03-04
Year Published:  2022
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24561

Journalists are cheering on the arming of militias and civilians making improvised explosives - acts they usually treat as terrorism



It is simply astonishing how many western journalists, including normally cautious BBC reporters, are shamelessly fawning over young women building Molotov cocktails on the streets of Ukrainian cities like Kyiv.
It's suddenly sexy to make improvised explosives - at least, if the media consider you white, European and "civilised".

That might surprise other, more established resistance movements, especially in the Middle East. They have invariably found themselves tarred as terrorists for doing much the same.

Western journalists' difficulty containing their identification with, and support for, Ukraine's civilian "resistance" must be maddening to Palestinians in tiny Gaza, for example, who have been locked into a metal cage by an Israeli militaryoccupier for decades.

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