Anarchist Archive
Year First Published: {36268 Anarchist Archive ANARCHIST ARCHIVE Victoria Canada Devoted to the study of anarchism, with a special focus on the history of the movement in Canada. Issues relevant to the collection include Indigenous struggles, anti-war activism, ecological militancy, prison abolition, decolonization, feminism, queer politics, and radicalism in the arts. Founded in 2005, the archive has a special mandate to collect and preserve anarchist-related materials, including posters, photographs, art work, videos, audio recordings, journals, pamphlets and zines, oral histories, correspondence (written and digital), organizational records, and other items. The archive also houses a digitization centre devoted to scanning materials for preservation purposes and to facilitate online accessibility for researchers across Canada and internationally. The Anarchist Archive is a public institution and research inquires are welcome. 2005 ORG Organization CX24528 0 false true false CX24528.htm [0xc000f978c0 0xc000e634d0 0xc001052c30] Cx}Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX24528 Devoted to the study of anarchism, with a special focus on the history of the movement in Canada. Issues relevant to the collection include Indigenous struggles, anti-war activism, ecological militancy, prison abolition, decolonization, feminism, queer politics, and radicalism in the arts. Founded in 2005, the archive has a special mandate to collect and preserve anarchist-related materials, including posters, photographs, art work, videos, audio recordings, journals, pamphlets and zines, oral histories, correspondence (written and digital), organizational records, and other items. The archive also houses a digitization centre devoted to scanning materials for preservation purposes and to facilitate online accessibility for researchers across Canada and internationally. The Anarchist Archive is a public institution and research inquires are welcome. Subject Headings |