National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding Projects in Ukraine
Deletion needed to preserve big lie of an unprovoked Russian invasion
Kuzmarov, Jeremy
Date Written: 2022-03-07
Publisher: Covert Action
Year Published: 2022
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX24523
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) -- a CIA offshoot founded in the early 1980s to advance "democracy promotion" initiatives around the world—has deleted all records of funding projects in Ukraine from their searchable "Awarded Grants Search" database.
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) -- a CIA offshoot founded in the early 1980s to advance "democracy promotion" initiatives around the world—has deleted all records of funding projects in Ukraine from their searchable "Awarded Grants Search" database.
The erasure of the NED's records is necessary to validate the Biden administration’s big lie—echoed in the media—that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "unprovoked."
In a recent statement of solidarity with Ukraine, the NED acknowledged that it had been a "proud partner of Ukraine's civil society groups, media outlets, and human rights defenders since 1989—before the Ukrainian people declared independence in 1991—as they have confronted enormous challenges in building an independent and free country."
NED President Duane Wilson admitted at an NED forum on Ukraine on March 4 that Ukraine was the NED's fourth largest grant-making program around the world. Wilson said that “the endowment is proud that we have had Ukraine as a major partner since 1989, before independence, supporting Ukrainian civil society organizations."
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