The Horrors of Slavery: and Other Writings by Robert Wedderburn

Wedderburn, Robert; McCalman, Iain D.
Year First Published:  {55365 The Horrors of Slavery: and Other Writings by Robert Wedderburn HORRORS OF SLAVERY AND OTHER WRITINGS BY ROBERT WEDDERBURN Wedderburn, Robert; McCalman, Iain D. Robert Wedderburn was one of the first promoters of black power by revolutionary force, if necessary. His publications had an enormous impact in his time. The Horrors of Slavery is a vivid record of the history, ideas, and rhetoric of a leader in the movement to abolish slavery in the West Indies. 2017 168pp ART Article 9781558760516 CX24384 0 false true false CX24384.htm [0xc0006ac270] Cx}
Year Published:  2017
Pages:  168pp   ISBN:  9781558760516
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24384

Robert Wedderburn was one of the first promoters of black power by revolutionary force, if necessary. His publications had an enormous impact in his time. The Horrors of Slavery is a vivid record of the history, ideas, and rhetoric of a leader in the movement to abolish slavery in the West Indies.

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