The Strange Career of Jim Crow

Woodward, C. Vann
Year First Published:  {55363 The Strange Career of Jim Crow STRANGE CAREER OF JIM CROW Woodward, C. Vann This book offers a clear and illuminating analysis of the history of Jim Crow laws, presenting evidence that segregation in the South dated only to the 1890s. Woodward convincingly shows that, even under slavery, the two races had not been divided as they were under the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s. In fact, during Reconstruction, there was considerable economic and political mixing of the races. The segregating of the races was a relative new development in the region. 1955 245pp BC55363-StrangeJimCrow.jpg B Book CX24382 0 false true false CX24382.htm [0xc000674690 0xc00108f5f0 0xc0014fa2a0] Cx}
Pages:  245pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX24382

This book offers a clear and illuminating analysis of the history of Jim Crow laws, presenting evidence that segregation in the South dated only to the 1890s. Woodward convincingly shows that, even under slavery, the two races had not been divided as they were under the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s. In fact, during Reconstruction, there was considerable economic and political mixing of the races. The segregating of the races was a relative new development in the region.

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