Loaves & Fishes
Publisher: CANEC Publishing and Supply HouseYear Published: 1982 Pages: 188pp Price: 8.80 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2412 Loaves and Fishes is a written leadership development resource that supports leaders who want to deal with children's questions about their faith, their lives and their concerns about justice. Abstract: Loaves and Fishes is a written leadership development resource that supports leaders who want to deal with children's questions about their faith, their lives and their concerns about justice. The resource contains units of education or worship material submitted by local leaders who developed and used programs in response to children's concerns. A national committee made up of local leaders - one from each conference of the United Church of Canada - selects submissions that meet their criteria. The Loaves & Fishes Committee also creates models for workshops in their home conferences. Children often attend. They are interviewed to discover their concerns and invited to critique, test and possibly team teach with adults the material developed at the workshop in response to issues they raised. Leaders use the arts and experiential learning styles to help the children think and act creatively. Children want to do something about injustice in our world but leaders seem timid to help - the issues are so overwhelming. And so the national committee is presently providing extra support for this area of concern. Recently they spent a day with 30 children in Toronto surfacing their concerns for peace, developing some analytical skills to understand how conflict develops and preparing to undertake some peacemaking action. The committee plans to provide follow-up support to these children in their home congregations. They will also share this experience through Loaves & Fishes to provide an example for other leaders and use this model of working with children in workshops in their home conferences. Other denominations such as the Anglicans, the Baptists and American Methodists have participated in Loaves & Fishes through meetings, workshops and submissions. Available from the following offices of CANEC Publishing and Supply House: 1) 6792-99th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1H6. (406) 432-7411. 2) 120 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 1L1, (204) 786-8911. 3) 725 Champlain Street, Suite 200, Dieppe, N.B. E1A 1P6. (506) 855-5212. 4) 85 St. Clair Avenue E., Toronto, Ontario M4G 1M8. (416) 925-6597 or 925-5931. Spring and Fall each yr. |