Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier

Baer, Suzie
Year First Published:  {54652 Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier WARRIOR LIFE OF LEONARD PELTIER Baer, Suzie http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/warrior-the-life-of-leonard-peltier/ Documentary about American Indian activist, Leonard Peltier. His story is told within the context of the American Indian Movement, the US federal government, and the multinational companies interested in mining the land in South Dakota. 1992 2015 FLM Film/Video CX24119 0 false true false CX24119.htm [0xc000732c60] Cx}
Year Published:  2015
Resource Type:  Film/Video
Cx Number:  CX24119

Documentary about American Indian activist, Leonard Peltier. His story is told within the context of the American Indian Movement, the US federal government, and the multinational companies interested in mining the land in South Dakota.

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