Stanford Study Says Renewable Power Eliminates Argument for Using Carbon Capture with Fossil Fuels
Mikulka, Justin
http://www.desmogblog.com/2019/11/21/jacobson-stanford-carbon-capture-fossil-fuels-renewablesDate Written: 2019-11-21 Publisher: Desmog Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX24048 A study in the peer-reviewed journal Energy and Environmental Science, concludes that carbon capture technologies are inefficient at pulling out carbon, from a climate perspective, and often increase local air pollution from the power required to run them, which exacerbates public health issues. Replacing a coal plant with wind turbines, on the other hand, always decreases local air pollution and doesn't come with the associated cost of running a carbon capture system, says Jacobson. Subject Headings |