Paris police use pepper spray against seated climate change protesters

Morrow, Will
Date Written:  2019-07-02
Publisher:  World Socialist Web Site
Year Published:  2019
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX23745

Police in Paris have been filmed pepper-spraying peaceful protestors. This is part of Macron's crackdown on the "yellow vest" movement in which several protestors have been seriously injured.



In the latest act of police violence in France, dozens of riot officers surrounded a group of peaceful climate change protesters sitting on and blocking a road in Paris on Friday, dousing them in pepper spray and assaulting them....

For the next 10 minutes, the police stroll around the group, spraying into their faces from 20 centimeters away and ripping protective goggles off them, as dozens of onlookers stand and film with their phones.

The scene in Paris, videos of which have been shared thousands of times and triggered an outcry on social media, recalls the police’s pepper spraying of University of California Davis students protesting social inequality and tuition fee increases in November 2011....

It occurs amid the Macron administration's massive mobilization of riot police over the past six months to violently repress "yellow vest" protesters opposing social inequality, austerity and the slashing of taxes for the super-rich.
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