US State Department Publishes, then deletes sadistic Venezuela hit list boasting of economic ruin

Parampil, Anya
Date Written:  2019-05-06
Publisher:  The Grayzone
Year Published:  2019
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX23688

A fact sheet put out by the US State Department listing its "accomplishments" in Venezuela reads more like a confession of atrocities. The document was later withdrawn.



Entitled "U.S. Actions on Venezuela," the document boasted that U.S. policy had effectively prevented the Venezuelan government from participating in the international market and has led to the freezing of its overseas assets. It read like a sadistic celebration of Washington's retribution against the Venezuelan population as a whole, the kind of collective punishment which is illegal according to Article 33 of the Geneva Conventions....

"If any other person says that themselves," the ambassador concluded, "and you take that confession to court, they would be in prison."

The State Department's fact sheet even frames recent decisions by the Organization of American States, Lima Group, Inter-American Development Bank, and European Union to either recognize or support Guaido's shadow administration as a U.S. achievement, highlighting Washington’s outsized influence within each of these supposedly international governing bodies.
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