Defense for Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange
Hayase, Nozomi
http://dissidentvoice.org/2019/03/defense-for-chelsea-manning-and-julian-assange/Date Written: 2019-03-23 Publisher: Dissident Voice Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX23551 Transcript of a speech in defense of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange. Abstract: -- Excerpt: Monopoly media functions as a gatekeeper of power that censors information to protect elites who seek to control the narratives of history. We are shut out from democracy. We become an object, being tossed around and made to passively carry out scripts handed down to us. But this is no more. The days of the government oppression, their silencing and bullying of ordinary people are now over. WikiLeaks, through engaging in scientific journalism, awakened creative forces inside history. By giving the public full achieves of authentic documents, the organization provided means for us to directly connect with events and find our own place in history.... Now, over 50 years later, WikiLeaks began pushing boundaries of free speech, making it possible for a young whistleblower to carry on the American tradition of civil disobedience. Both Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, with their courage, tenacity, and integrity, reminded us all of our own significance as authors of history. |