Women's Health Education Project
Organization profile published 1981

Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2335

A general goal of the Women's Health Education Project is to develop women's capacity to sustain and promote health for themselves, their community and their families.

A general goal of the Women's Health Education Project is to develop women's capacity to sustain and promote health for themselves, their community and their families. The project is sponsored by the Newfoundland and Labrador Women's Institutes and the Newfoundland Status of Women Council; it has been funded for a period of 3 years by Health and Welfare Canada. The project's more specific objectives include: 1) making oral and written information on human development and health available to a wide segment of Newfoundland and Labrador through the women of the Province; 2) providing information on subjects that women have identified in their communities; 3) developing a network among women involved in health care as employees, volunteers and consumers by bringing them together to discuss needs and services and to identify gaps in services (with a view to applying knowledge and resources to the specific needs of the communities); and 4) looking at the existing health care system and planning ways it can be better utilized.

The first step in the project involves a survey of women's health needs in 60 to 100 communities throughout the province. Local women will do the survey work. This will be followed by a Consultation involving a two-way flow of information - women will express local concerns and resource people will speak to these concerns. Workshops will then be designed in response to the specific needs of the communities and for participation of women in local communities.

Anticipated suggestions include: a) a weekly radio program; b) a community health manual and c) new or altered government and non-governmental programs.

See also CX2740, CX2739.

Subject Headings

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