Nova Scotia Community Planning Association
Organization profile published 1981

Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2332

The Nova Scotia Community Planning Association (CPAC) is one chapter of a national organization that was formed in 1945 to help people understand and take part in planning their communities.

The Nova Scotia Community Planning Association (CPAC) is one chapter of a national organization that was formed in 1945 to help people understand and take part in planning their communities. Nova Scotia CPAC was instrumental in developing: a) Canada's first minimum housing standards; b) a pioneering study of practice and legislation for senior citizens' housing in Canada and c) the first national conference on citizen participation and involvement.

CPAC lists its objectives as: a) fostering public understanding of community, rural, urban and regional planning; b) encouraging active participation in planning by citizens and c) cooperating with other groups in planning matters.

CPAC, Nova Scotia division, sponsors conferences, seminars and workshops where citizens, planners, government officials and businesses exchange views on a regular basis on current planning issues. CPAC also publishes a regular newsletter as well as briefs and brochures.

Some of its past activities include: a) meetings and briefs on waterfront development, the issue of access to government information, the Graham Royal Commission; b) conferences - Human Settlements in Nova Scotia, the Runaway Mall, Planning - Who's in Control?, Energy Conservation at the Municipal level, Energy and People; c) Planning Act Review Committee; d) Solar Energy Society; e) Municipal Government Seminars; f) Law for the Layman Seminars and g) publications (readers are advised to write the above address for a listing).
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