The New Poor People's Campaign
Miah, Malik
http://solidarity-us.org/atc/193/p5241/Date Written: 2018-03-01 Publisher: Against the Current Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX23285 Though there has been progress in electoral politics since the days of MLK this success leaves many people behind. The New Poor People's Campaign seeks to create a grassroots movement to counter that. Abstract: -- Excerpt: The right wing had already taken over many state legislatures and made it harder to vote. Voter suppression is a key civil rights issue. The new Poor People's Campaign is a nonpartisan challenge to this narrow-minded white thinking. It was initiated by the Reverend William J. Barber of North Carolina, who has led a campaign since 2013 against the far right in his state. Barber resigned as head of the state's NAACP in 2017 to run "The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival." The campaign's objective is to train a massive network of grassroots activists to spark a multi-front movement challenging what Barber calls four systemic "evils" in American society: poverty, racism, ecological devastation and the war economy. |