Estar Baur (1920-2017)
Against the Current vol. 192
Feeley, Dianne
Date Written: 2018-01-01
Publisher: Against the Current
Year Published: 2018
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX23262
With the passing of Estar Baur, Dianne Feeley discusses Baur's life as a lifelong socialist activist.
She described conditions as fairly good, but they deteriorated as production went up. However, workers at Dodge Main had a militant tradition; in fact just before Estar hired in there had been a strike.
"They used to have slowdown strikes. I was involved in one. The line started at the end of the building and went half-way through it, and then it would go down the rafters to the floor below, to the sixth floor. The bosses came around and said to me, 'If you wouldn’t talk so much you could be faster."
"So I put a big piece of tape over my mouth and jumped in there with my stool and worked at a very slow pace. I slowed down the whole line. I was getting very near the hole when my co-workers at the back of the line stopped the line, and I didn’t go down the hole. That would have been disastrous! But I was determined!"