Québec solidaire reviews the election and maps campaign on climate crisis
Fidler, Richard
http://links.org.au/quebec-solidaire-reviews-election-maps-campaign-climate-crisisDate Written: 2018-12-13 Publisher: Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX23253 Meeting in Montréal December 7-9, 2018, Québec Solidaire reviewed elections results, adopted a proposal to prioritize the issue of climate crisis, and held a discussion on how to prepare an internal debate on "secularism and religious signs." Abstract: ----- Excerpts: The election report noted that QS had achieved all of its major objectives in the recent election. It had more than tripled its parliamentary representation, with gender parity and increased diversity among the new MNAs, winning seats outside of Montréal for the first time, and obtaining recognition as an official party in the Assembly. Although the election was not preceded by any major debate or popular mobilization on fundamental issues affecting Quebec as a national entity in the Canadian state, in recent years there have been important mobilizations around ecology (e.g. stopping the Energy East pipeline), the #MoiAussi (Me too) movement, and agitation to raise the minimum wage. Another concern was the troubling global rise in right-wing populism with its anti-immigration rhetoric and "xenophobic, misogynist and racist ideas." "Québec solidaire, by taking clear positions on the issue of climate change, by foregrounding the minimum wage demand, and affirming its feminist, independentist and inclusive project, was able to position itself as a relevant and effective force in this social and ideological context." ----- Subject Headings |