An Injury to One
Wilkerson, Travis
Publisher: Icarus Films, USAYear First Published: {53062 An Injury to One INJURY TO ONE Wilkerson, Travis Icarus Films USA AN INJURY TO ONE provides a corrective -- and absolutely compelling -- glimpse of a particularly volatile moment in early 20th century American labour history: the rise and fall of Butte, Montana. Specifically, it chronicles the mysterious death of Wobbly organizer Frank Little, a story whose grisly details have taken on a legendary status in the state. 2002 2003 FLM Film/Video CX23206 0 false true false CX23206.htm [] Cx} Year Published: 2003 Resource Type: Film/Video Cx Number: CX23206 AN INJURY TO ONE provides a corrective -- and absolutely compelling -- glimpse of a particularly volatile moment in early 20th century American labour history: the rise and fall of Butte, Montana. Specifically, it chronicles the mysterious death of Wobbly organizer Frank Little, a story whose grisly details have taken on a legendary status in the state. |