Women Soldiers' Testimonies
Breaking the Silence

Publisher:  Breaking the Silence
Year Published:  2009
Pages:  132pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX23029

A collection of testimonies selected from interviews with more than forty Israeli women soldiers breaking their silence, and is an additional example of the ethical and societal cost of the missions with which the Israeli Security Forces have been charged.



How long does this last?

It can last for hours. It depends how bored the soldiers are, they can stretch it out for
two hours. It's an eight-hour shift. Got to get through it somehow.

And who is made to stand in formation?

Everyone, all age groups.

Women? Children? Elderly people?

Yes. Whoever shows up. Whoever shows up, stands in formation. There were the
more sensitive soldiers who'd let the women and elderly go. I'd say the elderly were
less harassed. And there were soldiers who'd harass the elderly. Like in any society,
this company too, some soldiers abused more and others less. Some had absolutely
no restraint and abused anyone.
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