'Women's Day' February 1913
Kollontai, Alexandra
http://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1913/womens-day.htmDate Written: 1917-02-17 Year First Published: {52618 'Women's Day' February 1913 WOMENS DAY FEBRUARY 1913 Kollontai, Alexandra http://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1913/womens-day.htm The article by Alexandra Kollontai was first published in the newspaper Pravda one week before the first-ever celebration in Russia of the Day of International Solidarity among the Female Proletariat on 23 February (8 March), 1913. 1917-02-17 1913 1917 ART Article -- <br> <br>Excerpt: <br> <br>'Women's Day' is a link in the long, solid chain of the women's proletarian movement. The organised army of working women grows with every year. Twenty years ago the trade unions contained only small groups of working women scattered here and there among the ranks of the workers party... Now English trade unions have over 292 thousand women members; in Germany around 200 thousand are in the trade union movement and 150 thousand in the workers party, and in Austria there are 47 thousand in the trade unions and almost 20 thousand in the party. Everywhere - in Italy, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland - the women of the working class are organising themselves. The women's socialist army has almost a million members. A powerful force! A force that the powers of this world must reckon with when it is a question of the cost of living, maternity insurance, child labour and legislation to protect female labour. CX22866 0 false true false CX22866.htm [0xc002a0e7b0 0xc002b31aa0] Cx} Year Published: 1917 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX22866 The article by Alexandra Kollontai was first published in the newspaper Pravda one week before the first-ever celebration in Russia of the Day of International Solidarity among the Female Proletariat on 23 February (8 March), 1913. Abstract: -- Excerpt: 'Women's Day' is a link in the long, solid chain of the women's proletarian movement. The organised army of working women grows with every year. Twenty years ago the trade unions contained only small groups of working women scattered here and there among the ranks of the workers party... Now English trade unions have over 292 thousand women members; in Germany around 200 thousand are in the trade union movement and 150 thousand in the workers party, and in Austria there are 47 thousand in the trade unions and almost 20 thousand in the party. Everywhere - in Italy, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland - the women of the working class are organising themselves. The women's socialist army has almost a million members. A powerful force! A force that the powers of this world must reckon with when it is a question of the cost of living, maternity insurance, child labour and legislation to protect female labour. Subject Headings |