FACT on Lepreau Organization profile published 1981
Publisher: Fundy Area Concern for Tomorrow (FACT), Bear River, Canada
Year Published: 1981 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2286
The Fundy Area Concern for Tomorrow (FACT) is a Nova Scotia-based committee and non-profit organization formed in 1979 to "oppose nuclear development at Pointe Lepreau and elsewhere in the Maritimes".
Abstract: The Fundy Area Concern for Tomorrow (FACT) is a Nova Scotia-based committee and non-profit organization formed in 1979 to "oppose nuclear development at Pointe Lepreau and elsewhere in the Maritimes".
This pamphlet argues against construction of a nuclear generating station at Pointe Lepreau, New Brunswick from a number of perspectives; radiation hazards due to normal operation and mechanical or human error, the danger of situating a station in a known, geologically active earthquake zone, the problem of nuclear waste disposal and the possibility of the waste being used for atomic weaponry. FACT sees no justification for a new plant based on the power demand in Nova Scotia and the northeastern United States. In addition, fishing and tourism, two of the region's most important industries, would be jeopardized by using Fundy waters to cool the system.
FACT encourages donations and / or active membership.
This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.
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