Democracy and Ecological Crisis
Holmstrom, Nancy
http://socialistproject.ca/2018/06/democracy-and-ecological-crisis/Date Written: 2018-06-17 Publisher: Socialist Project Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX22676 In view of the global ecological problems which have arisen from aggressive market driven economies, the author examines what democracy and socialism really mean, and what a more environmentally responsible Post-Capitalism society might look like. Abstract: -- Excerpt: Last fall 15,000 scientists issued a second dire notice to humanity that we are on a collision course with the limits of our planet. They concluded, "To prevent widespread misery, humanity must practice a more environmentally sustainable alternative to business as usual," including "reassess[ing]… the role of an economy rooted in growth." That means that we have to challenge capitalism; there is no capitalism without growth. Rosa Luxemburg's statement on the eve of World War I that the choice is between socialism or barbarism was never more true. But today our struggle is about our very existence. This reality should shape the way we think about politics and how we do politics. Democracy is often said to be both the means and the end of socialism. Capitalist societies are peculiar class societies in that, especially the United States, they are said to be democratic. So what do we mean by "democracy" and by "socialism?" |