Native Rights Coalition/Regina Organization profile published 1981
Publisher: Briarpatch, Huston House, Regina, Canada
Year Published: 1981 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2265
This new organization dedicated to fighting racism, has been founded in Regina. The Native Rights Coalition, a group of both native and non-native individuals, was established, its founders said in a news release, "not as an alternative to existing native organizations, but will work with these organizations on specific issues".
Abstract: This new organization dedicated to fighting racism, has been founded in Regina. The Native Rights Coalition, a group of both native and non-native individuals, was established, its founders said in a news release, "not as an alternative to existing native organizations, but will work with these organizations on specific issues".
A committee from the Coalition has been established to mobilize support against the ku klux klan which has recently been attempting to organize in Regina. Another committee is looking at ways to have native rights entrenched in the Canadian constitution.
The aims and objectives of the Native Rights Coalition are: a) to build an organization of individuals, regardless of nationality, sex or status who are interested in fighting racism and oppression; b) to publicly oppose racist policies and statements; c) to support actions against police harassment; d) to popularize native issues, demands and problems through educational conferences, leaflets, slide-shows, school visits, etc.; e) to support and work with other organizations who share these objectives and f) to support the democratic rights of native people to native-oriented education, the use of their own language, culture, job opportunities and job security, adequate housing, aboriginal rights and quality health care. ( Excerpted from Briarpatch.)
This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.
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