Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
Organization profile published 1980
Publisher:  The Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies & Applied Research, Regina, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2263

The Gabriel Dumont Institute Of Native Studies And Applied Research (Dumont Institute) grew out of a recommendation of the Cultural Conference of the Association of Metis and Non-Status Indians held in 1976.

Connexions has published numerous abstracts on the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research.

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This abstract was published in Connexions Digest in 1980 and 1982:

The GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE OF NATIVE STUDIES AND APPLIED RESEARCH (DUMONT INSTITUTE) grew out of a recommendation of the Cultural Conference of the Association of Metis and Non-Status Indians held in 1976. The recommendation was for a Metis Cultural College. October 17, 1980 was the official opening of the College, named the Dumont Institute, in Regina.

The mandate of the DUMONT INSTITUTE includes: 2) historical and cultural research and programme evaluation; and b) curriculum and resource development. The aime of the institute is to help native people "find themselves so that they can live with a sense of self-respect and pride among their Non-Native brothers and sisters.

The DUMONT INSTITUE seeks to accomplish this through a Native-controlled educational institution, and by re-establishing Native historical-cultural roots. These goals are attained through developing and offering courses to strengthen Native cultural awarness , developing unique Native education programmes and establishing a Library Resource Centre. The INSTITUTE is organizing a Native Studies Programme, and has established the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Programme to futher accomplish its goals.

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This abstract was published in Connexions Digest in 1983:

This Native controlled educational institution is designed to assist all Metis and non-status people through programs of educational and cultural development. The INSTITUE adminsters, the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP), and maintains an extensive library.
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