Social Housing Association of Cape Breton
Organization profile published 1981
Publisher: Social House Association of Cape Breton, Sydney, Canada
Year Published: 1981
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2250
This non-profit association was formed in 1970 to provide decent housing to large, low-income families.
This abstract was published in Connexions Digest in 1981 and 1982:
This non-profit association was formed in 1970 to provide decent housing to large, low-income families. Since then, 165 units of housing have been purchased in all local municipalities in the industrial area of Cape Breton (as well as in the outlying municipal areas). The emphasis has been on rehabilitation of existing buildings versus new construction.
The Social Housing Association of Cape Breton retains the deed to the newly purchased home, with C.M.H.C. holding the first mortgage. The family, when able to pay off the balance of mortgage and other standing costs, are deeded the property directly. A tenant-purchase agreement with the family at the time of occupancy guarantees that they shall acquire equity in the properties initially as owners and as such are required to maintain and care for the properties occupies. The families assume the responsibility to pay the principle and interest on the mortgage along with taxes, insurance and utility costs.
The cost of subsidy required under this program is far less than that experienced through government subsidized programs. The association provides services to families over and above the provision of the basic house (e.g. debt counseling). The costs of these services are not recognized by C.M.HC. and as a result no subsidy is available to this program. While demand for such housing is high, delays in bureaucratic processes and the lack of government subsidization has placed the continuation of this program in jeopardy.
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This organization no longer exists.
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