Fisk Puts to Test the Free-Press Myth in Douma
Cook, Jonathan
http://dissidentvoice.org/2018/04/__trashed-3/Date Written: 2018-04-18 Publisher: Dissident Voice Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX22223 Veteran Middle East corrrespondent Robert Fisk was the first western correspondent to arrive in Douma following the US, UK and French attacks on Syria. Based on first hand interviews Fisk's account is clearly honest about what he reported and certainly plausible, yet respected British newspapers like the Guardian gave his reports a cursory if not hostile treatment. Abstract: -- Excerpt: Given this context, the UK media ought to have been putting Fisk's report at the centre of their Syria coverage yesterday and today, especially the liberal Guardian, the paper that Labour party members have relied on for decades. So how did the Guardian fare? The Guardian now has an enormous output of articles, not least its Comment is Free section. So it would be foolhardy of me to say with absolute conviction that the Guardian made no reference anywhere in its pages to Fisk. But if it did so, it was extremely well concealed. A Google search of "Fisk", "Guardian" and "Douma" throws up nothing. I can locate nothing in searching the Syria news articles and the op-eds published in the physical newspaper either. Subject Headings |