Adapt or Die: Millennials, Technology, and Net Neutrality

Seimetz, Rob
Date Written:  2017-12-18
Publisher:  CounterPunch
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX22111

The Internet is changing the way we think, concentrate, and process information. Studies are showing the Internet is lowering our concentration because the Internet offers constant distractions. It’s reducing our attention span, and it’s ruining our interpersonal communication skills. Basically this technology is dehumanizing us.



Millennials and Generation Z would rather text, instant message, or use social media to communicate. Many people under 20 don’t even have a personal email address.

To some of us this is mind boggling, including this Millennial. Emails contain too much information, they take too long to read, and they don’t cut to the chase. This is what my generation and Generation Z believes.


It’s a race for who can give us the most information the fastest, but not too much text in this information because we don’t have the attention span for that. Communication is becoming short, shorter, and shortest.

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