Acceptable Losses
Aiding and abetting the Saudi slaughter in Yemen
Cockburn, Andrew
Date Written: 2016-09-01
Publisher: Harper's
Year Published: 2016
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX21982
A close look at the crisis in Yemen, a country rife with povery and water shortages and further devastated by a prolonged campaign of bombing and military action.The military campaign, supported by the United States, is an effort by the Saudi governemnt to oust a tribal group in north Yemen who follow Zaidism, an off-shoot of Shia Islam.
Just a few short years ago, Yemen was judged to be among the poorest countries in the world, ranking 154th out of the 187 nations on the U.N.'s Human Development Index. One in every five Yemenis went hungry. Almost one in three was unemployed. Every year, 40,000 children died before their fifth birthday, and experts predicted the country would soon run out of water.
Such was the dire condition of the country 'before' Saudi Arabia unleashed a bombing campaign in March 2015.