SPARROW of Atlantic Canada Organization profile published 1981
Publisher: SPARROW of Atlantic Canada, Halifax, Canada
Year Published: 1981 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2197
Abstract: SPARROW is a groups of people in Halifax who share Christian and homosexual-oriented concerns. A general goal of the group is outreach to other gay people and dialogue with the 'straight' community. They are also concerned about restoring a sense of dignity and self-worth to gay people. Each year SPARROW meets for a retreat experience to reflect upon its goals of outreach and dialogue.
Presently, the group numbers about 20 people. Members meet weekly, conduct a Sunday evening coffee house and participate in other social activities together.
SPARROW is connected with the Gay Alliance for Equality (GAE) in Halifax. GAE also provides a location for SPARROW activities.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.
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